Maggiehaag’s Weblog

My first attempt in after effects!


This is a logo I created for myself in the beginning. We were asked to create a figure or element based on something that best represented ourself, which to me, is a butterfly. I think of butterflies likes humans, all though they only change once, I feel they reflect the human side of beauty, because we are all beautiful in out own way.

So, I then took a picture of myself and put it into Illustrator and traced it and created wings for the fairy like appearance. I then took the image as reference and made it into a 3-d model made out of sculpey (clay) and baked it. Below is the slideshow of this process.

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Above: Cover for Domestic Violence Awareness Magazine


Above: Full page advertisement for Domestic Violence Hotline


Above: “Kohls Cares for Kids” – Full page advertisement


Above: Two page layout for magazine

This is a magazine I created for Domestic Violence Awareness. During my Bachelor of Arts at Penn State University, I interned for the PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence in Harrisburg, PA. While I spent my year there, I learned and saw so many horrific stories and images. Prior to this experience, I did not realize the impact of dometic violence on our world and decided to make this magazine to promote it’s seriousness and hopefully inspire others to fight for the cause.

All designs were created in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. No images were altered for effects and All advertisements and magazine layout was created by me. I obtained the images from various website and the copy from




March 2009

The idea for this flyer came from the original text illustration I had done in November titled “Obama: in his own words”. This piece was created to encurage young people to vote and to make them realize and understand that they are the future and their opinion and decisions truly matter.


This is a movie poster that I created in Photoshop. I took a picture of a local park in Orlando, FL called “Wekiwa Springs” and later decided to turn that picture into a Horror Movie. I also created the font from a font that I ad found on I wanted to make it took creepier, so I decided to warp their edges.



Usually when Valentine’s Day approaches, I tend to feel uneasy and quite shaken up. The thing is, I have only ever had two valentines in my life and feel that maybe this holiday was made up by some evil power to shed the confidence of those who are single. Luckily, I am a graphic designer and had the idea turn the traditional NECCO Sweethearts into an enjoyable treat for all people on Valentine’s Day.

The idea is that these would come out each Valentine’s Day as part of a series. The True Love Edition would be whole hearts with sweet sayings., the It’s Complicated Edition would be heart pieces and the Love Stinks Edition, would be broken hearts.

Below is the redone version of this flyer. This is the actual image that will be used for my portfolio.



November 22, 2008

About a month ago, I was asked to create a flyer for an upcoming fashion show at Valecia College and was the original idea all most completed.

I really enjoyed creating something for the hip hop genre. The glam and over-the-top nature of design is so much fun. I do enjoy clean and upscale design; however, given the opportunity to “glam” out a design is was very appealing!

H-Cide Entertainment provided me with the information for the show and in return, I pitched my ideas to them and in the end they were very pleased with the results.

This design was created in Photoshop. I took all the pictures of the models with my Canon Digi Rebel. This piece contains over 100 layers and took me about 72 hours to create. I am pretty proud of this flyer, as it was the first time I was able to create something for someone else.

This was definitely more of a learning experience for me. Although it took most of my free time, I had so much fun creating this flyer and would do it again in a heartbeat. This is my first real design for the world and I have to say that it isn’t too bad! Full Sail has most definitely given me the skills and the confidence to be a designer and I hope that good things come from all the time and energy I spent on this.

I hope you all enjoy!


November 4, 2008

I took this idea from a classmate of mine who had a few months earlier created a piece like this for McCain.

This was created solely in Adobe Illustrator and took about three days to complete. I started with a picture of Obama at the Democratic National Convention. I then took the text from his speech at that convention and laid it over top the picture. I then expanded the type (made each letter its own object) and from there I started to color each letter to the coinciding color that laid behind it.

I ended up finishing this piece about an hour and a half prior to him being declared our next president. I am very proud of this piece, as it took a lot of time an dedication. In the end it turned out better than I had expected. I hope you all enjoy!



This was my redesign of the book called “SLUT”. I read this book when I took a feminism class at Penn State, where I received my bachelor. I didn’t like the original design too much nor their own redesign of the book cover. So, I decided to pick this book to redesign.

I created the background in Photoshop and laid the text and the images and the background in Illustrator. This is by far my favorite design up to this point. This really didn’t take me that long, once I found my idea, I went with it and ended up completing it in only a few hours. It does take some time to find the right placement for the text and then lining all other text on the page.

I really liked our typography class. I learned a lot about type and how powerful it is in this world. I also realized, through this project, that I really enjoy working in Illustrator.


I created this using Photoshop and Illustrator. Our assignment was to pick an event and design a poster for it. I chose the upcomin event of Basfish, a tribute to Sublime. The trick with this project was that you had to create your own font for at least one part of the poster. I chose a font, to begin with, expanded it to view it’s points and began manipulating the text around an oval, where I knew I wanted to place a picture. By the time I was done, the text ended up not looking much like the original. I actually revamped this the other day and probably will again; however, I do like the current design.

Below is the original design. Hope you like the new one better, because I definately find it more attractive.


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  • maggiehaag: Holy crap I never saw this message until now! I am so sorry, to contact me quicker, you can e-mail me @
  • Lal Hauzel: Hi Maggie, I stumble upon ur blog as I was searching for ideas on creative page layout for the placement brochure I was designing for my school usi
  • Ashley: Maggie Mae! Your site is spectacular! Almost as awesome as yeeeww! <3! Very awesome!